Anti-virus software

For the protection of electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, computers, antivirus programs are indispensable!

What can antivirus programs or antivirus software do:

  • They prevent the "devices" from being damaged by "viruses" or "malware" (malicious software).
  • They protect the personal data / files on the device and prevent them from being erased or spoiled or destroyed by spyware.
  • "Virus", "Trojans" etc. are blocked by a "firewall".
  • On-line protection when surfing the Internet - Protection against "phishing" or harmful websites

Ein Antivirenprogramm ist ein Programm, das dafür entwickelt wurde, um verschiedene Gefahren auf Ihrem Computer, Tablet oder Smartphone zu finden, zu isolieren, zu blockieren und zu zerstören. Dabei durchsucht es alle Dateien auf dem Gerät, bzw. die Programme die geladen werden. Diesen Vorgang nennt man „scannen“. Die Programme werden über das Internet ständig aktualisiert und sobald sie beim Scannen auf eine Gefahr stoßen, schlagen sie Alarm.

An antivirus program is a program designed to detect, isolate, block, and destroy various threats on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. It scans all files on the device, or the programs which are loaded. This process is called "scan". The programs are continually updated over the Internet, and as soon as they encounter a danger when scanning, they will sound an alarm.Ohne ein Antivirenprogramm besteht die Gefahr, dass sich unser Gerät mit einem „Virus“ ansteckt. Danach kann es zu verschieden Problemen kommen. Das Gerät kann sich ein und ausschalten oder es lässt sich nicht mehr einschalten,  es kann SMS Nachrichten oder E-Mails ohne unsere Kenntnis verschicken. Im schlimmsten Fall werden Daten gestohlen oder gleich gelöscht.

Unfortunately, there is no 100% security against malicious software and viruses. But a virus protection software protects against most dangers. This is why, especially for virus protection software, it is important that regular updates are allowed so that the latest versions are active on the device.

How to find a good antivirus program?

There are free and paid antivirus programs. In addition to protection against viruses, "Trojans" and malicious software, these programs differ in what additional features they offer. For example, paid programs offer not only antivirus protection, but also many other features (such as setting up times of usage (e.g. for kids), remote location of the smartphone, or remote locking of the data).

We have compiled the important criteria for selecting a (free) anti-virus program:

  • Protection: What programs protect and which data is backed up?
  • User-friendliness: Are the instructions and handling understandable?
  • Technical support by telephone or e-mail: Is there any technical support?
  • Ratings: Do not rely solely on the reviews in the Google Play Store or the App Store, but also read the latest tests!

It is useful to search the internet for different portals, which test anti-virus programs. These tests are mostly done several times a year and confirm the current state of the software's effectiveness. It is worth checking out and comparing different tests to find the program that best suits your needs.

Viruses: are small programs which, for example, can infect computers by e-mail attachments and can paralyze the computer. Often, they are programmed in such a way that they can reproduce themselves and then spread further. Viruses can cause enormous damage (eg the whole computer system is slowed down) to the complete data loss or the notorious hard disk crash.

Trojans: are hidden in seemingly useful programs, such as passwords, credit card numbers, expensive 0900 dialers, or other online users accessing your computer (remote control).

Ransomware: is a malware that infects, locks (encrypt files on a computer), and then requires money to unlock it. An infected computer is sufficient to paralyze the operation of a network because the malicious program can spread to other devices on the network. Infectivity is possible by: e-mail attachment, malicious links, visit of infected website, etc.